Rusan Picatinny rail - Remington 7400, 7600, 750

Rusan Picatinny rail - Remington 7400, 7600, 750

(1 ocjene)
  69,00 €
Vrijeme otpreme
Slanje - 1 do 3 dana
Mogućnost povrata
15 dana
1 2 3 4 6

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Rusan Picatinny rail - Remington 7400, 7600, 750 Opis proizvoda


Picatinny rail consists of slots with 5.23 mm spaces between one another, which means that it can be used across its entire length. It is simple to mount and interchangeable – if something is made for a Picatinny rail, it will fit regardless of the manufacturer or manufacturing date. It is affordable, resilient and reliable – this is why it so commonly used by professionals and military. Because of all its great qualities, Picatinny rail has been dominating the rail market in the recent years.

Picatinny is a big step forward from the Weaver standard. Weaver has a few predesignated slots while Picatinny has slots all over its surface, allowing the device to be mounted wherever the user finds it fitting. Weaver's slot is 3.8 mm wide, which is why ring mounts made for a Weaver rail will also fit on a Picatinny rail while ring mounts made specifically for a Picatinny rail will not fit on a Weaver rail. This is one of the main reasons why Picatinny is a far better mounting solution.

Rusan, a company from Croatia, is one of the manufacturers of Picatinny rails. They make mounts from steel and aluminium and provide buyers with a wide selection of Picatinny rails for various rifles. They are made from high quality deep blue finish steel. Picatinny Rails include screws with appropriate thread for the corresponding rifle. Rusan covers 10 years of warranty for all its products.

About the rifle

Eliphalet Remington founded Remington arms in 1816 – he made a flintlock rifle with a firing mechanism. Their products, rifles model 700 and 870, are among the best selling firearms of all time. Remington is also known for producing more cartridges than any other company in the world. Remington arms, currently a part of the Freedom group, is known as America's oldest gun maker. Furthermore, they still manufacture their original product firearms.

Remington 7400, a modernized version of an earlier semi-automatic rifle, was produced from 1981 to 2004. Its barrel length is 47 cm (carbine version) or 56 cm while its overall length is 110 cm. 7400 is chambered in 6mm Remington, .243 Winchester, .270 Winchester, 7 mm Remington Express, .280 Remington, .30-06 Springfield, .308 Winchester and .35 Whelen. Its receiver has four holes drilled and tapped for mounting options – there are two holes at the front and two at the rear. 7400's ejection port is located on the right side of the rifle. There are 3 variants – Carbine, Special Purpose, and Synthetic. Remington Model 4 is a deluxe version of 7400 and was made for the same calibers.

Remington 7600 is a series of centerfire, pump-action rifles with the barrel length of 56 cm and overall length of 108 cm. These rifles were introduced at the same time as Model 6 (a deluxe version of 7600). It has a detachable 4-round magazine. 7600 is chambered in .223 Remington, .243 Winchester, 6 mm Remington, .270 Winchester, .280 Remington, .30-06 Springfield, .308 Winchester, .35 Whelen, .35 Whelen (special) and .35 Remington. It has twin steel action bars and a rotary bolt lockup. The ejection port is on the right side. The barrel is free floated. Action, slide release, and safety are based on model 870 pump-action rifle. The rifle's receiver is drilled and tapped – there are two holes on each mounting surface.

Rifles Remington 7400/7600 and 750 have actions of the same dimensions, which is why they share the same mounts.

Mounting details

A: 21.84 mm
B: 52.3 mm
C: 15.24 mm
BHU: 0 mm
Fi: 8-40
R1: R15.65
R2: R15.65

Mounting instructions

Remove all the stains (grease, oil etc.) from the rifle's receiver with a cleaning fluid (acetone). Once the surface is clean and dry, check whether the screws match the rail and the holes on the receiver. Make sure that the Picatinny rail is compatible with the rifle by inspecting the mounting holes on both. Before mounting the rail permanently, apply a minimal amount of thread-locking fluid 278 or 648 on screws and contact surfaces. Be careful not to get the fluid in or near the mounting holes. Carefully clean the remaining excess fluid around the rail with a cleaning fluid. Using a torque driver, screw the screws appropriately (up to 2.2 Nm) – do not overtighten.


The product has a warranty period of 10 years.

Opća svojstva

Proizvođač Rusan
Serija montaže Rusan Picatinny Bases
Izrađeno u Hrvatska
Jamstvo 10 godina
SKU 010-06

Fizička svojstva

Vrsta nišanskog uređaja Picatinny Rail
Vrsta šinje Picatinny
Materijal Čelik
Boja Crna
Dužina 130.00 mm
BH visina. 7.00 mm
Nagib nosača 0 MOA
A 21.84 mm
B 52.3 mm
C 15.24 mm

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Ova tračnica ima odličan osjećaj. Vrlo jak i kvaliteta je nevjerojatna. Proveo sam sate tražeći savršenu šinu koja bi odgovarala mom Remingtonu 7600 i drago mi je što sam odabrao Rusan. Standardna dostava također je bila prilično brza.

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Automatski prijevod. Prikaži original

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Bok, možete li mi reći koliko je ovaj nosač težak? Hvala Peter.

Automatski prijevod. Prikaži original

od Peter

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hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Težina ovog proizvoda je 93 g.

Zahvaljujemo na razumijevanju i slobodno nas kontaktirajte ako vam možemo pomoći na bilo koji drugi način.

Lijepi pozdrav

Automatski prijevod. Prikaži original

od Optics Trade team

Bok, možete li mi, molim vas, reći imaju li vijci s ovog nosača torx glave ili imbus ključ? Hvala Peter.

Automatski prijevod. Prikaži original

od Peter

Poštovani gospodine,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Želimo vas obavijestiti da priloženi vijci imaju Torx glavu.

Zahvaljujemo na razumijevanju.

Ako trebate bilo kakve dodatne informacije, nemojte se ustručavati ponovno nas kontaktirati.

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Automatski prijevod. Prikaži original

od Optics Trade team

Dolazi li ova tračnica s vijcima i/ili mogu li vijke kupiti zasebno?

Automatski prijevod. Prikaži original

od b

Poštovani gospodine,

hvala što ste nas kontaktirali.

Ljubazno vas obavještavamo da su vijci uključeni uz ovu Picatinny šinu.

Zahvaljujemo na razumijevanju i slobodno nas kontaktirajte ako vam možemo pomoći na bilo koji drugi način.

Lijepi pozdrav

Automatski prijevod. Prikaži original

od Optics Trade team

Jesu li to Torx glave ili Allan ključ u stilu?

Automatski prijevod. Prikaži original

od Peter

Poštovani gospodine,

vijci su tipa Torx.

Ako vam je potrebna dodatna pomoć, slobodno nas ponovno kontaktirajte na

Lijepi pozdrav,

Automatski prijevod. Prikaži original

od Optics Trade team

Nema pitanja ni odgovora za ovaj proizvod.


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