Nikon Prostaff 7s 8x42

Nikon Prostaff 7s 8x42

  249,00 €
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Slanje - 2 do 4 tjedan
Mogućnost povrata
15 dana
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Nikon Prostaff 7s 8x42 Opis proizvoda

About the Nikon Prostaff 7s 8x42

The Prostaff 7s are great binoculars for bird watching, nature observation, and other outdoor activities. They offer great value for the money, with their 42mm objective lenses and wide 8x magnification.

Its advanced optical system provides good image quality, thanks to fully multicoated lenses and Phase-Correction Coated Roof Prisms.

The binoculars are lightweight and easy to hold, making them ideal for hikes and camping trips.

Design of Nikon Prostaff 7s

These binoculars have an ergonomic design that makes them comfortable to hold and use. The eyecups are made of soft rubber and are easy to adjust. The focusing knob is large and easy to turn.

Nikon Prostaff 7s features a single hinge design. It has a rubber-coated body that makes it durable and easy to grip. Rubber armor also protects it from bumps and scratches. Prostaff 7s is nitrogen-filled and O-ring sealed to be waterproof and fog proof.

Optics of Prostaff 7s

The binocular is equipped with Nikon’s ED glass lenses that offer good clarity and color reproduction. The lenses are coated with Nikon’s proprietary anti-reflective Multicoat 4-layer system. This results in greater light transmission and reduced glare. The Prostaff 7s features Nikon’s BaK-4 high index prisms.

The Prostaff 7s has a field of view of 119 m at 1000 m. It also has a fast focus system that allows you to quickly adjust the focus to get a clear image.

Nikon Prostaff 7s Performance

The image quality is very good, with bright colors and sharp details.

The Prostaff 7s has a few features that make it stand out from other binoculars in its price range.

  1. First, the binoculars are nitrogen-filled and waterproof, so you can use them in all kinds of weather conditions.

  2. Second, they have a built-in tripod adapter, so you can mount them on a tripod for an even steadier viewing.

Overall, the Nikon Prostaff 7s is a great choice for anyone looking for a good pair of binoculars under 250€. If you're looking for even better image quality, however, you'll need to step up to a more expensive model.


  • Multicoated lenses

  • Phase-Correction Coated Roof Prisms

  • Lightweight and easy to hold

  • Ergonomic design

  • Nitrogen filled and O-ring sealed

  • Waterproof and fog proof

  • Built-in tripod adapter

  • Nikon ED glass lenses

  • Fast focus system

Accessories of Nikon Prostaff 7s

  • Carry case

  • Neck strap

  • Lens cloth

  • User manual

Warranty of Nikon Prostaff 7s 8x42

Nikon offers 5 years warranty on the Prostaff 7s.

Opća svojstva

Proizvođač Nikon
Serija dvogleda Nikon Prostaff 7s
Izrađeno u Kina
Jamstvo 5 godina

Optička svojstva

Vrsta prizme Roof - Schmidt/Pechan
Varijabilno povećanje Ne
Povećanje. 8.00 x
Promjer leće 42.00 mm
Izlazna zjenica 5.25 mm
Vidno polje 119.35 m/1000m
Vidno polje (u stupnjevima) 6.82 °
Prividno vidno polje 50.80 °
Udaljenost oka 19.50 mm
Najmanja udaljenost izoštrenja 4.00 m
Faktor zamračenja 18.33
Relativna svjetlost 27,6

Fizička svojstva

Premazi leća Fully Multicoated
Dužina 167.00 mm
Širina 129.00 mm
Visina 55.00 mm
Težina 650.00 g
Punjen sa Nitrogen
Sustav izoštrenja Central
Podešavanje dioptera Right eye-piece
Min. razmak između zjenica 56.00 mm
Max. razmak između zjenica 72.00 mm
Vrsta konstrukcije Jednostruki zglob
Boja Crna

Posebne značajke

Otpornost na vodu Da
Otpornost na vlaženje Yes
Kompas No
Ugrađen daljinomjer Ne
Stabilizacija slike No
Plovnost Ne

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Pozdravljeni, Zanimam se za nakup prvega daljnogleda in bi prosil za malo pomoči pri izbiri. Gledam nižji cenovni razred in trenutno izbiram med Shilba odyssey 8x42, Delta optical forest II 8x42 in Nikon prostaff 7s 8x42. Lahko priporočate tudi kaj drugega v tem rangu (več kot cca. 250€ nisem pripravljen plačati). Daljnogled bi uporabljal za opazovanje ptic in ostalih živali v gozdu. V kolikor imate kakšne nasvete vam bom izredno hvaležen. Lp, Ambrož

od Ambrož

Pozdralvjeni Ambrož, zahvaljujemo se vam za vaše sporočilo. Dvogled v cenovnem razredu do 250 eur je Nikon Prostaff 7S 8x42 odlična izbira. Če boste potrebovali še kakšno pomoč nas prosim kontaktirajte. Lep pozdrav.

od Optics Trade team

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