Contessa Picatinny Rail for Weatherby Mark 5
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Contessa Picatinny Rail for Weatherby Mark 5

  109,00 €
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Mogućnost povrata
15 dana
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Contessa Picatinny Rail for Weatherby Mark 5 Opis proizvoda

About Picatinny Rail

The Picatinny rail system features slots spaced at precise 5.23 mm intervals, enabling consistent and versatile use along its entire length. This system is designed for ease of mounting and is universally compatible; accessories designed for a Picatinny rail will fit seamlessly, irrespective of the manufacturer or the date of production. Known for its affordability, durability, and reliability, the Picatinny rail is a popular choice among professionals and military personnel, making it a dominant player in the scope mounts market in recent years.
The Picatinny design marks a significant advancement over the older Weaver standard. Unlike the Weaver system, which offers only a few predetermined slots, the Picatinny rail boasts continuous slots across its surface. This feature provides the flexibility to mount devices at any preferred location. Additionally, the slots on a Weaver rail are narrower, at 3.8 mm, allowing mounts designed for Weaver rails to fit on a Picatinny rail. However, mounts specifically made for Picatinny rails do not fit on Weaver rails due to the size difference of recoil stoppers. This compatibility and versatility make the Picatinny rail a superior mounting solution in various applications.

About the Contessa

Contessa, an Italian manufacturer renowned for its high-quality scope mounts, combines decades of experience with advanced 3D technology and precision handcrafting. Recognized internationally, its mounts are not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing, featuring soft, rounded edges. Contessa Picatinny rails are machined to strict tolerances, and  feature one of the best fit and finish. Each rail bears the distinctive golden Contessa logo, symbolizing quality and craftsmanship.

About the Weatherby

Founded by Roy Weatherby in 1945 in California, Weatherby Inc. started with a vision for high-speed, lightweight bullets for superior hunting performance. The company quickly established itself with innovative designs, notably the Mark V bolt-action rifle known for its strength and reliability. By the 1960s, Weatherby expanded into shotguns and other firearms, maintaining a reputation for quality and reliability under continuous family leadership.

About the Mark V Magnum

The Weatherby Mark V Magnum rifle model, designed by Roy Weatherby and Fred Jennie, entered production in 1957. It was originally crafted by Sauer & Sohn until 1973 due to the high standards set by Weatherby. Known as "the world’s perfect rifle," it was initially developed as a 9-lug push-feed action but was later adapted for hunting, available in both 9-lug and 6-lug configurations. The rifle is celebrated for its unique 54° bolt rotation, which facilitates quicker reloading and allows scopes to be mounted very close to the bores. The receiver features four mounting holes, two each on the front and rear mounting surfaces, catering to diverse mounting needs. Barrel lengths for this model range between 61 cm and 66 cm, accommodating various shooting preferences​​.


Mark V Magnum comes in 18 variations: Accumark, Accumark Limited, Accumark Pro, Accumark Elite, Backountry 2.0, Backountry 2.0 Carbon, Backountry 2.0 Ti, Backountry 2.0 Ti Carbon, Carbonmark, Carbonmark Pro, Carbonmark Elite, Cowpoke Edition, Dangerous Game, Deluxe, Weathermark, Weathermark Bronze, Weathermark LT, Weathermark Limited.


Mark V Magnum is chambered for:

  • .257 Wby. Mag.
  • .270 Wby. Mag.
  • .30-378 Wby. Mag.
  • .300 Wby. Mag.
  • .300 Win. Mag.
  • .338 Lapua
  • .338-378 Wby. Mag
  • .340 Wby. Mag.
  • .375 H&H
  • .375 Wby. Mag.
  • .378 Wby. Mag.
  • .416 Wby. Mag.
  • .460 Wby. Mag.
  • 6.5-300 Wby. Mag.
  • 7mm Wby. Mag.

Design of the Rail

The Contessa Picatinny Rail for Weatherby Mark 5 is constructed from steel, known for its superior hardness and durability compared to aluminum, ensures a higher degree of repeatability with less wear over time. The picatinny rail features 15 slots and 4 mounting holes, all secured with 6-48 threading. A distinct central canal on the rail allows for the concurrent use of the rifle's iron sights, offering a reliable backup sighting solution without the need to remove the picatinny rail when there is nothing mounted on it. This picatinny rail is attached to the rifle with four screws.

Mounting Dimensions

  • A=21.9mm
  • B=113.9mm
  • C=15.3mm
  • BHU=3.2mm
  • R1=60mm
  • R2=17.0mm

This rail can also be mounted on:

Usually, a Picatinny rail can be mounted on multiple different rifles if they share the same mounting surface, which we commonly refer to as the mounting standard. The Contessa Picatinny Rail for Weatherby Vanguard SA can be mounted on the following rifles, which share the same mounting standard:

  • Bergara B14 LA
  • Bergara Premier LA
  • CZ 600 Lux (Long)
  • CZ 600 Range (Long)
  • Haenel Jaeger 10 (Up from series-Nr. JX-000921)
  • Haenel Jaeger Pro
  • Howa 1500 LA
  • HS Precision LA
  • Mauser M12 (2019-onward)
  • Mauser M18
  • McMillan G30 LA
  • Remington 700 LA
  • Remington 78 LA
  • Remington 721
  • Remington 725
  • Sauer 100
  • Sauer 101
  • Smith & Wesson 1500 LA
  • Weatherby Vanguard LA
  • Weatherby Europa

Mounting Instructions

Remove all the stains (grease, oil etc.) from the rifle's receiver with a cleaning fluid (acetone). Once the surface is clean and dry, check whether the screws match the rail and the holes on the receiver. Before mounting the rail permanently, apply a minimal amount of thread-locking fluid 278 or 648 on screws. Be careful not to get the fluid in or near the mounting holes. Carefully clean the remaining excess fluid around the rail with a cleaning fluid. Using a torque driver, screw the screws appropriately (up to 3 Nm/26.5 in-lbs).
If you require any mounting tools, you can find them on our Rifle Scope Mounting Tools page.

What's in the box?

Each package comes complete with one steel rail, a sturdy wrench for easy installation, and four screws to securely attach the rail to your firearm.


This product comes with a 30-year warranty.

Opća svojstva

Proizvođač Contessa
Serija montaže Contessa Picatinny Rails
Izrađeno u Italija
Jamstvo 30 godina

Fizička svojstva

Vrsta nišanskog uređaja Picatinny Rail
Vrsta šinje Picatinny
Materijal Čelik
Boja Crna
Dužina 162.00 mm
Težina 130.00 g
BH visina. 8.00 mm
H visina. 8.00 mm
Umetak (KR) KR 0.0 mm
Nagib nosača 0 MOA
A. 21.90 mm
B. 113.90 mm
C. 15.30 mm
BHU. 3.20 mm
R1. 60.00 mm
R2. 17.00 mm
Thread 6-48
Broj rupa 4.00
Broj utora. 15.00

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Bok, tražim picatinny šinu za svoj Sauer Weatherby Eurpa u kalibru 7X64. Mislim da sam našao pravu, ali nisam 100% siguran, možeš li mi pomoći je li to prava? Hvala vam

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